Ordering Information

Want to order a shirt? Want to request another shirt idea? Want to send pictures of your adorable child wearing a Tees, Please creation? Contact me here: teesbyhm@gmail.com.

Use the labels in the navigation bar to search for additional shirts. Click on any tee for a larger photo.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Tees

In addition to the Christmas tees post from last year (check the labels for the link), here are a few new designs for this year.  Tees, Please has been very busy working on Christmas gift orders, but I don't want to post them so that the surprises aren't ruined.  Look for a bunch of "catch up" posts once the holidays are over. 
Oh, "Deer" Tee $18

I Mustache You to Have a Merry Christmas $18

Mustache tee (close up)

What brothers wear to Breakfast with Santa

Sparky! I Found Your Christmas Tee $18

No Diggity. Wrap like a Boss. $18

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back to School

"Back to school". Since I can remember, that phrase has made me happy.  Not because I was a super nerd (maybe), but because this time of year is bursting with potential.. everything is shiny and new. That box of crayons hadn't even been opened.. every color perfect... Pencils were neatly sharpened and I had an "A" in every class. The excitement of finding out who my teacher would be and which friends were in my class. And let's face it, when you're armed with a brand new Trapper Keeper and a batch of Lisa Frank folders, you're pretty much ready to take on the world. 

I'm happy to report that these last couple weeks have been really busy at Tees, Please as I created items that would find their way into classrooms full of that same shiny, new potential.  Tees, Please wishes everyone a fantastic back to school! 

Divided Lunch Container ($9) and Water bottle (double-sided decoration) ($10)

Sandwich container ($7) and Small Snack Container w/freezer insert ($6)

Large Hand Sanitizer ($8)

Small Dry Erase Chore Chart ($15)
Large Dry Erase Chore Chart ($20)

Dry Erase Chore Charts
Super Hero Divided Lunch Container ($9)

Sandwich Container ($7) and Divided Lunch Container ($9)

Bento Box Lunch Tote $18
Bento Box Lunch Tote $18

Personalized Clipboard: Single-Sided ($20)/ Double-Sided $30
(design is placed on bottom of clipboard to maintain a smooth writing surface)

Water Bottle ($10) and Sandwich container ($7)

Sandwich Container ($7) and Small Snack Container w/Freezer Insert ($6)

Preschool Tote Bag $15

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Git 'Er Done" or "Whistle While You Work" or "Just Do It" or something...

Are you blessed with children who are naturally helpful around the house?  Yep. Me neither. (In fact, I question the existence of such children although they are welcome to show up at any time.) As we head back to school, we've been working hard to get back in a routine. A routine that involves being more helpful around the house. 

I'm hoping that these chore charts will provided added incentive to encourage my minions to pitch in.   They will hang in prominent places in each bedroom. At first, I have no doubt they will be very faithful checking off items each day. Later, they'll just serve as a good reminder.  The bigger kid will record the number of checks each day to the daily squares that will be tied to his allowance.
Large Chore Chart $30

Small Chore Chart $25

Side by side size comparison

Friday, August 2, 2013

Tees, Please? Of course. But how about some other stuff?

Around here, we're beginning the final countdown to the start of a new school year. Among other things, that means a lot of labeling. Labeling crayons. Labeling glue sticks. Labeling lunch boxes. Then, I decided to try my hand at labeling lunch box containers. They were so much fun, I'd like a reason to make more. 
Lunch containers (square: sandwich, rectangle: divided container)

Back-to-School Lunch Containers
$7-18 (depending on container/ several styles available)
School Supply Box (photo coming soon)
Small $8
Large $12

Have you already purchased containers? Bring me your own lunch container or school supply box and have it personalized for $5 per item.

To order, please email me or call (913) 362-9765.  Items ordered (and containers delivered to Tees, Please) by August 7th will be ready for pick up or delivered by August 10th. 

Divided Container (2 sections) w/ Fire Truck $9

Sandwich container with truck $7

Bento Box Lunch Tote $18

Bento Box Lunch Tote $18

Monogram Clipboard $20 / Double-sided $30
(So many options with these.)

Personalized Water Mug $20
(Remember those great plastic water mug/jugs you got in
the hospital when you had a baby?  THOSE. Only personalized.)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

What Shipped This Week?

I love taking an idea or a picture, pouring over fabrics at several stores, creating patterns, and seeing the idea come together. This week, I know I'm on the right track when I talk to myself or gasp in the fabric store...THAT'S how I know. There was lots of opportunity for gasping this week as I completed and delivered these orders.  As you'll see, it was the week of twins. Double the fun, indeed!

Here's what shipped this week...

Click on any picture for a better (bigger) view

Happy Birthday Cars Tees ($18 each)
Little Black Dress (front) $25
Little Black Dress (back)
(This dress is made from the same fabric as the chevron tie below.)
Chevron Tie Onesie ($18)

The Not-So-Big-Bad Wolf and Little Red ($20 each)
Close-up of The Little Red Riding Hood Twin Onesies

Happy Birthday "Carrie-Strawberry" ($18)
Close-up of "Carrie Strawberry"
(How much do I love that pink/red zebra print? GASP.)

Striped Monogram Tie Onesie ($18)
Close-up of Striped Monogram Tie Onesie

 Don't forget to use the labels in the right column to browse other designs. Looking for something you don't see here?  Even better. Send me the idea and I'll search for just the right fabric to pull it all together. 

Ready to place an order? Email me. (See Shop Policies on the right-hand column of the blog for additional information.)